Advantages of Turning Your Website into a Progressive Web App

Advantages of Turning Your Website into a Progressive Web App


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that has features normally found in native mobile apps. These features include push notifications, an offline mode, and a home screen icon. PWAs are becoming more and more popular because they offer many advantages over traditional websites. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of turning your website into a progressive web app!

Progressive Web Apps allow users to run your website offline. This is a huge advantage, especially for users with spotty internet connections or who live in rural areas. Users will still be able to access your content, even if they can’t get online!

Another great benefit of Progressive Web Apps is that they are much faster than traditional websites. This is because PWAs use caching to store resources on the user’s device. Be aware of features that won’t work offline such as placing orders or submitting forms.

Do you have a website that could benefit from being turned into a progressive web app? Contact us for a free consultation

Thank you,

Wi-Gen, LLC

Amarillo, Tx

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